February 2021 General Membership Meeting
Please join us for our monthly membership meeting via Zoom. This month we welcome as our guest speaker:
Nathan Bruemmer, Legislative Director for the Florida LGBTQ+ Democratic Caucus. He will be previewing the upcoming session of the Florida Legislature and also providing details of the upcoming Caucus Lobby Days. He will also be discussing other issues specific to our transgender brothers and sisters.
You can sign up for this and all meetings through December at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/upQod-isrzgv2EwpzOBDd2Md8R4oOoDtOQ?fbclid=IwAR2fGfWREDjfvP3vAvkrqSxn5rdyRsvC7GZr5qXy_XGEBwGpg1LkiPBX9v8